Olympic level Italian sport is in itself, an institution. After 7 years of consistent presence at every world class competition, Italian sport might as well say it has a home, and we’ve been involved to expand the brand’s impact and engagement through a solid image. When the working gear behind it, the Italian Olympic Committee, commissioned us to create the visual identity for their project CASA ITALIA, we opted to base our concept on simple geometrical forms that could recreate bonds and interactions of ever evolving shapes, representing change, evolution and adaptation –aside from providing a cleaner look to the brand–. Each occasion Casa Italia it launched in a new location or event, the elements around its visual identity change; each of such adaptations and reworks done through years, geographical locations and particular spaces, seek to integrate recognizable elements of the brand and the cultural context where it lands, generating a familiar and consisting feeling among each rework separately and all of them as a set, but surprising everytime. The Tokyo Olympics where the 6th adaptation of this concept, present in every edition since 2014.